Thursday, April 7, 2011

Newsflash: the bald spots are worth it

I am a self-professed whinebag, and a bit of a drama queen.

So I'm sure it was no surprise to my mother when I called her up wailing last night with the usual, "I'm too tired, I'm going to drop out!" schpeel. To be fair, I'd been busting my butt all week to wrap up the rough draft of our (300-page) group project for Cross Cultural Journalism, and I was couched with an increasingly painful kidney infection that kicked in Monday morning. I'd pretty much hit a wall, and proceeded to have my usual pity party right on schedule.

But I was walking across campus today, our pretty pretty campus (even on crappy overcast days like today), and I realized: I'm so lucky to be here. I'm so lucky to get to learn, and from really intelligent people. I'm lucky to be able to further myself, and put off the real world for as long as possible. To meet new people and gain extraordinary experiences. (OK, extraordinary might be a stretch, but you know what I mean.) It's worth the sleepless nights, the bald spots I have from pulling my hair out, the headaches and the stress and the tears.

Someday they'll kick me out of here and I'll have to be a grown up. But until then, I'm going to enjoy myself. These are the best years of my life, right?


  1. As someone who is graduating and joining the "real world" in about a month, the only advice I can give is to enjoy it while you're in it. Right now I wish I would have enjoyed my experience as opposed to worrying about where I was going to end up next.

  2. I tell myself the same thing all the time, about putting off the real world. I've recently started fretting about next summer, when I'm forced to return home and start looking for a real job :(
