Friday, February 11, 2011

Buy me flowers, go to jail

I am not entirely sure what the purpose of this blog is. I mean, I'm trying to maintain some level of commitment because roughly 95% of the internships and jobs I've looked into applying to have asked for writing samples and a blog address. I feel like I need some sort of angle or theme, but I guess I'll stick with my boring ramblings for now. Onward!

Today I walked into a grocery store and saw all the pretty Valentine's Day flowers and had a quick, "Aww, I wish I had someone to buy me flowers" moment. I'm a total sucker for flowers. Then I realized that the last time someone bought me flowers was my birthday, almost exactly a year ago. They were from my friend Brady, but on the way to my apartment he got pulled over and I guess he had some sort of outstanding warrant for not showing up to court, so he got arrested. I wound up going downtown with my roommate to bail him out. Moral of the story: buy me flowers, get arrested.

I think hardcore, bitter Valentine's Day haters are kind of amusing. I do plan on beating the crap out of a piƱata, but that has less to do with my feelings towards Valentine's Day and more about my need for stress relief and candy. I miss living with my mom because she would always get me something cheesy. Last year's gift was the best: build your own boyfriend magnets. My magnetic boyfriend still lives on my refrigerator. He generally hangs out in boxers and a tie, but occasionally someone will come along and dress him up in his leather jacket and/or cowboy boots.

A random girl I went to high school with just left for Rome yesterday with her boyfriend. (Thank you Facebook, for status updates that make my life pale in comparison.) It was a surprise trip he planned for her. She had no idea until they were on their way to the airport. THAT'S the kind of boyfriend I want. Someone who will take me on a spontaneous getaway to Italy. That's not too much to ask, is it? I'm allowed to have ridiculous standards. I'm still young.

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