Monday, March 14, 2011

Basketball and my new weekly therapy

I am still catching up on sleep and reminiscing about the Big 12 Tournament last week. Basketball, cool people, and free food... what else can a girl ask for?

That kid in the photo was definitely the number one fan of the tournament. People gave him a lot of crap because he was cheering for a different team every night (Mizzou first, I might add), but he was having the most fun out of anyone there. I had to laugh at myself at one point; I was seriously considering ending my relationship with basketball because it causes me to experience more emotions in a two-hour time period than most menopausal women, and the stress alone could kill me. Then I realized that there were tens of thousands of people (possibly more, I never won those things that made you guess how many jelly beans were in a jar) crowded into this building and screaming their heads off while a bunch of college kids tossed a ball around and tried to get it through a hoop. Sometimes I feel like we really haven't evolved that much as a species.

But I digress. I'm attempting to get back into the swing of things after several glorious days away from work and school. If my entire semester GPA doesn't plummet from this one week of professional slacking, I'll be highly surprised.

Yesterday I read a couple articles in "O" -- the Oprah magazine -- and decided it's going to have to be my weekly (or daily? hourly?) therapy. I had such an "aha!" moment...but more on that later. For now I'm going to enjoy this gorgeous 65-degree weather we're having...while studying for my meteorology exam tomorrow. (Can someone please explain to me why I need to know meteorology to be a magazine journalist?) Marcela and I went on a walk around the block today -- do you have any idea how long it takes a 4-year-old to walk around the block? -- and it was just one of those days that's so peaceful and quiet it feels like nothing has ever been or ever will go wrong. I love those days.

(By the way...for all you basketball fans out there: Can we just agree that Colorado not getting picked for the tournament was the biggest snub ever!?! Ugh. Sunshine and daises...I'm totally zen.)

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