Monday, December 13, 2010

A few lessons

I don't want to get too far ahead of myself because I still have a final and a term paper left, but I thought it was a good time to reflect on what I've learned this semester.

From statistics, I learned that relationships are deceiving.
From intro to journalism, I learned that it's okay to challenge your boss.
From French, I learned that there IS worse rap than American rap.
From creative writing, I learned that ChaCha is completely irrelevant. If I have any question at all, I need only email Professor Schwartz because he is all-knowing.
From religion, I learned that believing in God is kind of like believing in Santa Claus. (And no, that doesn't mean I stopped believing.)
From my athletics work, I learned that nothing gives me a headache like a drive chart. Don't blow the horn unless the ref tells you to. And choose wisely when to wear a pencil skirt.
From watching Marcela, I learned that I have "a giant head like a planet."
From life, I learned to stay on your toes because it's always waiting to blindside you. Cancer messes with the wrong people. And slow goodbyes are the hardest.
From love, I learned that not everyone will match your effort.
From my friends, I learned that I can commit!
From my roommates, I learned that you can never have too much peanut butter. (But you CAN have too much tuna.)
From myself, I learned that I get pretty bored if my life isn't up in flames for a change.
From drunken nights, I learned to stop mixing my alcohol and never go traipsing under a haunted bridge in heels and a skirt.
And from my mom, I learned that you should let your food cool down when it comes out of the microwave because the molecules are still moving around. Wish I'd learned that one ten years ago.

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