Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's a small world after all

The other day in sociology, a girl sat next to me and I stepped out of my comfort zone and said hi. Well, I actually complimented her purse. That's always a good ice breaker. We had the typical "Where are you from? What's your major?" conversation, and I was shocked that she actually knew what a child life specialist is--my future career--because she's worked with one for the last sixteen years. She has a blood disorder and is at the children's hospital every three weeks for transfusions. She instantly struck me as genuine, which is just about the best quality a person can possess in my book.

We met up for coffee yesterday, and I started to tell her about my childhood friend Aiyah, who I lost touch with years ago when she moved to Libya. Lo and behold, my new friend Afnon KNOWS Aiyah! Then we started noticing how familiar we looked to each other, and realized: Aiyah introduced us to each other ten years ago.

It's a very small world. Or maybe Missouri is just a small state.

Either way, kudos to God for putting us next to each other. And as we'll both be spending a lot of time in the children's hospital over the next few years, I think we'll make great friends.

In other news... I dragged myself out of bed at 6 a.m. to go to a fancy shmancy Chamber of Commerce breakfast with my bosses. We were the only people in jeans, and we sat on the outskirts eating our scrambled eggs and nodding off during all the presentations before skipping out early. (I of course left my cell phone at the table and ruined our smooth exit. Typical.)

I am absolutely, 100% exhausted.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty amazing reunion, Sister! Keep talking to me.....
