Thursday, April 15, 2010

Humanitarian: one who possesses traits of compassion for other humans by their acts of kindness.

I want to be a humanitarian when I grow up.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You know you're a poor college student when...

You buy a pack of 98-cent notecards, and cut them in half.

You eat a burrito before you go out to a Mexican restaurant, so all you need is the free chips and salsa.

It ruins your day to come back to the parking meter and discover that you still had fifteen minutes... could have saved a dime.

You lose two pounds from sweating because you refuse to turn on the air conditioner.

You can make a $20 gift card to Hyvee last for months.

You actually fill out every university survey that comes your way, because they put your name (along with 20,000 others) in a raffle for ten bucks.

Your closest Walmart carries everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, in Great Value brand.

You refuse to wash off the enormous amount of pollen accumulating on your car because you can't spare the quarters. That greenish tint is hip anyway.

Stopping by the gas station for an apple juice on Monday morning is considered splurging.

You leave your finance class in a fit of despair, and decide to move in with your sister after graduation.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
-George Eliot