Sunday, March 21, 2010

Viking funerals, leg waxing, and pie wars

My roomie's mouse, Bill Wordsworth, passed away, and she decided that he deserved a true Viking funeral. With the help of a couple friends, we made him a sailboat out of a styrofoam cup... doused it in wine (he needed one last drink)... lit it on fire and set him to sea (or creek - we improvised). It was a very peaceful ceremony, minus the few seconds that his boat got a little caught up in some brush and almost started a forest fire.

Yesterday was Relay for Life with Alpha Phi Omega. We, as a college, raised over $100,000 to fight cancer and set a personal record for number of participants. When we weren't walking the track, we were getting our faces painted, waxing the boys' legs (and chests) for donations to the American Cancer Society, and having epic pie wars.

He didn't even put up a fight... but you better believe I did.

When I told my mom I got pied in the face, she said it sounded like free breakfast for college kids. Very true. I'm a little delirious from lack of sleep, and I think my pneumonia is relapsing. But it was well worth it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Alpha Phi Omega awesomeness

I was officially initiated into Alpha Phi Omega today. They blindfolded us and we had to walk across campus holding on to the person in front of us....I lost my leader at one point and had a minor panic attack. (Kidding. She reached back for me.) I'll be honest, I don't remember my pledge by heart...but the gist of it was to give up my own selfish needs in order to serve others. And really, that's what it's all about.